Tuesday, March 6, 2012

song of the sunshine

Lunch dishes stay on the table while I rock a curly topped girl snuggled in a soft blanket. After a busy morning, we welcome the rest, the quiet. The sunshine pours in through my windows, an honored guest. Sleepy girl falls asleep in my arms, I tuck her in bed. Soft curls on a polka dotted pillow. I watch her for a moment, wondering what her little mind dreams. Her long, dark eyelashes sweetly resting on soft white skin.

Back to the living room, a mess of adventures and imagination. Cushions form a tunnel on the floor in front of the couch. Jewelry, shoes, cars and dolls lie in random assortments, perhaps an image of the scene when the Lord returns. Bags and purses full of treasures, a baby stroller packed to the gills with tea party dishes, a dollhouse occupied by farm animals and insects. The lunch dishes still rest on the dining room table. Supper is unplanned but scheduled for 5pm, an appointment to follow. Clean but ready to be dried, a pile of towels fills my wash machine. Mountain ranges in my laundry room, a good task for a ready climber. Friends await the emailed return of their sweet greetings, I am delinquent again.

And here I sit. The sunshine warming my skin, calling me to lay aside the tasks at hand and dance in it's radiance. Clean the car. Organize some things that lay in disarray. Anything but the ordinary.

Warm breezes slip in the tiny opening in my screen door. Breathing deeply, I feel the freshness of the spring air deep in my lungs. I will rejoice in the beauty of the day and thank the Lord with ready hands.  To accomplish the good works He prepared beforehand that I should walk in them. To be faithful with the time I'm given.

When those dark eyes open from their sweet slumber, I want to greet her with love and time. Kisses on her soft cheeks and time to enjoy the beauty of the afternoon together. I want to dance with her to the music of bird songs and melting snowdrops, the nagging voices of unattended tasks long silenced.

Sweet joys await.

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