Wednesday, August 1, 2012

smart guy

Evie wasn't so sure she wanted to visit Paul Bunyan-land.

"Paul Bunyan is a really big man who knows your name," Daddy explained,"should we go there?"
"No," she said.
"It will be so fun," Daddy said, "Why don't you want to go?"
"Because he's a really smart guy," she said.

So we told her all about the rides and tractors and animals and she, despite still feeling timid about Paul, the smart guy, decided she might like to try it out. So, we did.

"Hello EEEvie," said Paul.
She froze, her eyes wide with terror. 

Remember these?
I got excited over a trash can.
I took a picture.
My traveling companions laughed at me.
I'm a bit quite sentimental and I'm okay with that.

Paul and his lady friend.
Prehended by a Peli-can

Do you ever wonder how the dinosaurs became extinct?
Paul Bunyan took care of them.
Thanks, Paul.

Pretty girl in the schoolhouse mirror.

Remember these slides?
Shiny metal. Tall. No sides. Dangerous.

Our motley crew.
(Complete with 3 year-old who has a new
love of creative expressions)

View from the top

The rollercoaster to beat all.
So painful.


Al said...

I bet Sheri wishes she could have ridden the Ferris Wheel with you.

floofie said...

I wish Sheri could have ridden the ferris wheel with us!