Tuesday, February 17, 2015


The sky was overcast and gray. The clouds hung low and heavy. The air was cold and still.  And then the clouds burst, pouring forth their contents into view.

Slowly they began to dance. Large, white flakes like downy feathers. With no hurry to their routines they swirled down and then up, some left and some right. Each with abandon, following their own course. And yet, each dancer, different though it was, looked beautiful beside the others. A billion flakes that filled the air. No two dancers looked alike. And I marveled.

There was much to do inside which kept me busying about. And yet, I frequently found myself at the window staring through the glass like a child, my little companion by my side. "Beautiful,"she whispered into the stillness. 

The afternoon found us out amongst the dancers. We drove Frosty, our trusty Sable, into town for some errand doings. It was cold and the stores were busy, no parking spaces near the door. We parked with a walk before us and grabbed hands. The dancers swirled around us.

I started off briskly and found my hand pulling her along. I looked behind me. Her sweet face was turned upward, her mouth wide open and her eyes closed. "Catch any yet?" I asked. She laughed, "No, but they keep going up my nose!" 

I slowed my pace. Together we walked; our faces upward, our mouths open. We laughed as the flakes tickled our skin and landed everywhere else. Unsuccessful at our mission, we entered the store and at once became lost in a beautiful sea of fabric. 

Lost in the pattern books, my little companion filled a sheet with the corresponding numbers. Each to an item she confidently assured me that I could make. "My mommy is the best sewer," she announced to the kindly sales associate who had stopped to help us. "And I have lots of things for her to make!"

Hand in hand, we wandered through the possibilities and managed, somehow, to complete the list of necessities for one pattern. A pink and yellow flowered print to be transformed into a sweet little summer dress. Buttons and bias tape. Laughter and sweet conversation. We walked to the register and transacted our shopping. I counted change while she tried on the foam beards and hats beside me. "Look," she cried with glee.  And I saw her, my little leprechaun, her eyes dancing. 

Slowly, and with mouths opened,  we made our way to the car. The air thick with giant white flakes that seemed to evade capture when finally, I tasted success. And as I exclaimed, she did too; sharing our moment of joy with one another. 

Our ride home was filled with chatter. I watched the road and the dancers. She designed a car wash aloud. Details that went from simple to complex. And the sound of her words was like music, sweet and melodious. The music to which the dancers danced.

And the show was complete. 

We pulled into the driveway and parked. Gathering our bags we made our way to the door, our boots scattering snow like dust bunnies.

And my heart clapped. 


Anonymous said...

I love your words! What a joy to read!! Thanks for sharing. ~Blessings~
Rebecca Vahdat

floofie said...

Thank you, Rebecca!