Tuesday, February 23, 2016


"Patience is a virtue. Waiting won't hurt you."

This, the old adage that I've heard many times in my years upon earth. Those childhood years where waiting seemed an eternity but how many times had I heard it "you've grown so fast!".

What did grown up people do to make the clock move to quickly? "Never enough time"

And so we wish away our childhoods in anticipation of the glories that wait ahead- the magic of grown up-ville. Where we can drive and pick our own bedtime and buy things for ourselves instead of waiting for Christmas or Birthdays.

Oh the beauty of waiting. Anticipation. Preparation. A gift we don't often take as one.

"Good things come to those who wait."

If truth be told, this way is often God's choice for me. And, after I put up a bit of a tussle with my emotions, I find that I am more often grateful for not being given my way. Impulsivity is a bully and the fruit of the wait is much sweeter.

Life is waiting. In the clutches of winter I long for the glories of spring. The sweet smell of soft earth and green life and golden air. And I will celebrate- again. For all of the springs I've experienced in 38 years of life, none will be so grand but the one in which I find myself.

"A watched pot never boils"

Life is waiting and what we choose in the waiting will determine the sweetness of the fruit.

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