Friday, January 28, 2011

a hairbrush

Things were a little hectic this morning. I had an agenda and I wanted to keep it but then...the phone rang - my sister. Then it rang was my father. And one more time...a good friend. Things were okay, just an hour behind schedule and good friend again with an extra tidbit.

God must have wanted to humor remind me that I'm loved.

Out the door...just an hour and half behind schedule- but we made it! And then my phone mother.

Thank you- I feel your love today.

It's been a loong week. When life is challenging, time moves so slowly you wonder if the clock is even ticking. Look at it, shake it - did it stop? Oh wait, it's m-o-v-i-n-g. Vacations are never like that. You get there and then it's time to go home again. I'm convinced that a person can never have too much fun. Perhaps I need to find a little more fun in those difficult days...

An errand or two and we were there, at the care center to visit with my grandma and also a dear friend. I enjoy these days. A "home" full of gentle, wrinkled faces who, if I had the time, could tell me stories for hours. They are always full of warm greetings for my happy little companion and I. Nothing breathes life into a room like a sweet little face with dancing feet. Evie has made "friends" with several of the staff there and they always comment on how much she grows in a week. These are good days...

We found grandma in her comfortable chair reading a book. She looked so beautiful in her pink sweater and trademark necklace- a raindow of colors and textures (Joyce's creation). She was very pleased that we had come. Evie ran to her and lifted up her hands. Grandma is still strong- she picked her up and Evie snuggled right into her lap. They talk about the necklace, the stuffed kitten on her table, where to find noses, ears, eyes..all the important things. After a bit, Evie grows tired of sitting in one place and is off to explore. Nothing is off limits to those curious little hands. And as we watch her, grandma asked if I would please brush her hair. Such a sweet way to finish our time together...

I found the brush next to the sink, where she said it would be. When I returned, I saw that she had moved forward in her chair so I could reach better. I took out her clips and unbraided her soft snowy, white hair. I started brushing gently  but she told me not to be shy, to REALLY brush it. And so I did, timidly at first, and then more comfortably as she told me how good it felt. It was as if time stopped, and I didn't want it to go any faster. Such a sweet moment. Evie stood and stared at us, caught in it too. And then it was time, time to put the brush away and rebraid her hair. But, I was okay with that...I had the memory...

1 comment:

Princess Poopsie said...

Oh wow. Thanks for bringing me there, if only for a moment. A sweet moment. I sure miss grandma. Thanks for taking the time to be with her. Wish it was me there too Luff u.