Wednesday, January 26, 2011

welcome to my studio

I like to pretend. Today I whipped out my Nikon Coolpix and pretended that I was a photographer. I set up my "studio" (tipped the coffee table over and propped it up on the couch so I could drape my background up) and added some valentine decor to create the "perfect" scene. The "perfect" scene also involved the use of the vaccuum cleaner (to prop up the corner of the backdrop) but we made it work. The vaccuum used to be a big scary monster that ate children, but since it took up residence in the corner of the living room, it has become a friend (and a very fun word to say...bacuum, bacuum, bacuum).

Wala! Welcome, to my name is mama and I will be your photographer today.

Unfortunately, sweet Evie did not share in my passion to pretend that we were going to take beautiful photos that people might mistake for having been taken by a "real" photographer. She doesn't ever pretend that she likes "real" photographers- not on a personal level of course, but merely from the standpoint of well, just that. Standing still at any point. So, expecting her to pretend along was a stretch...but feeling hopeful, we tried.

Let's just say, it's a good thing  "candid" and "photojournalism" are popular styles of photography these days....


Anonymous said...

I sure wish I could bring the girls to your studio! I love picturing your homemade "studio" and from the past pictures I have gotten from you- you are one amazing and creative photographer!

Michelle said...

Hmmm...I'm feeling an inspiration to set up my own homemade studio. I take pictures all over the house, but with a backdrop is always so much, well, so much less cluttered, I guess.