It has been a long winter here in the frozen north. A very long winter. So long, in fact, that we dumped out our piggy banks, used the $16.87 we collected to fill our gas tank and escaped town last Saturday. We simply could not help ourselves...we've had enough!
With our vast resources at our fingertips we decided to rent our own airplane. Andy's flight experience has consisted of 30 minutes in a 1940's era plane flying over the lovely city of Blaine. I've spent a few more hours in the sky, but couldn't see myself manning the controls with a busy toddler, so we rented a pilot too. The scenery was lovely as we headed west...the mountains...the lakes and rivers...the bustling towns. Our pilot landed and we headed out to explore the land....

Well, so maybe didn't go west... we just drove a little south and went to the Bandana Square train museum. We had a fantastic time! I was amazed at the amount of detail they put into the displays. It made us feel as if we had escaped to another place for a while. Thank you, Lord, for little get-a-ways....
Andy's new, well not so new but more like recently revived, passion is model trains. He has transformed our humble downstairs guest room into a train-splosion- with a track that circles the room. It's still very much a guest room, in case you are needing a place to stay, but it's complete with entertainment now. No more counting spiders to fall you can be lulled by the sound of tiny HO scale engines circling above your head. It's still a work in progress, but it looks really nice .It's been really fun to see Andy's creative side show up as he decorates his track. I will have to post some pictures when he is ready to show it off. Evie loves "tains" just like her daddy. When we see a real train she is very quick to point it out and shriek "toot toot!" Every day, when daddy gets home from work, they head downstairs to check up on things. Unfortunately, she loses interest in them pretty quickly and empties the bookshelf or storage closet.
Evie's new passions are making messes, getting in to things she should not be,carrying around as many purses and bags as her little arms can hold, smiling wildly, riding her tricycle and not taking naps. I think I was really used to her 3 hour sleep-a-thons and saved up all my to-dos for that time. I am needing to be more creative at figuring out ways to accomplish things while the little tornado whirls. She does enjoy cleaning with me and has recently been working to overcome her fear of the vacuum cleaner. I no longer have to hold her while the vacuum is on and she will willingly walk up and touch it. This is a big step.
She also likes to hoard. Her hidden treasures include: anything she can get her hands on. Andy calls her Templeton. We are hoping she grows out of this...
And me, well, I'm just trying to take life one day at a time. God has entrusted me with a precious family and a sickly body. I am trying to make the most of each, despite the fact that a sickly body can make each minute of a day feel like a deep dark hole. God is faithful and He has given me... the gift of a husband who faithfully and tenderly loves me in my weakness and my strengths, a daughter who makes my heart light (and my body tired-whew!) and wonderful family and friends who encourage and help me.
And so we're hoping that spring arrives in person...not just in name. In the meanwhile...I will dream of a place called Arkans-hot....
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