Tuesday, November 8, 2011


November 8, 2011
"I am unpacking the party box. It's time to celebrate! After an very unpleasant spell, I was blessed with a season of feeling good again. And for this, I put on my party hat and sing!" 

November 11, 2011
I never had a chance to finish that post. It would have been filled with colorful streamers, shiny yellow balloons and toe tapping music. I wanted you to dance with me in celebration of good days. They are a gift...rare and precious though they be.

Today, the sun is shining brightly. Evie and I basked in it's rays and breathed in the freshness of the fall air as we played at the park  this morning. Is there anything so exciting as a trip to the park?  Life, through the eyes of a 2 year old, is something to be celebrated. Just the thought of a trip to the park threw her into an inexpressible delight. She exclaimed "park!" several times before galloping around on her imaginary steed who gave his sign of approval in the, "nay her her!" she expressed for him. We bundled up and drove to a new park. I think she was a little saddened that the park was empty when we arrived, but she felt better after deciding that the children were all "at work" and would join her later. We were joined, for a bit, by 4 year old Sophie and her grandpa. Sophie chattered away and Evie followed her all around. Often it seems, Evie loses herself in wonderment of other children. What is her little mind thinking? I knew what it was thinking as we tried to leave the park. Her tears told me that. But, we tell the park that we will come visit it again soon and it helps...somewhat.

I started my day on a rough note. When the veil of sleep lifted and I was aware of the day and the all too familiar manifestations of my mysterious unwellness I didn't think hopeful thoughts. But, in the stillness, the Lord spoke to me through His Word. I took the words of Psalm 71 and asked the Lord to help me to be consumed with Him today.

"14-But, as for me I will hope continually,
and will praise you yet more and more.
15-My mouth shall tell of your righteousness
and your salvation all day long;
for I do not know the sum of them.
16-I will come with the mighty deeds of the Lord God;
I will make mention of your righteousness, Yours alone."

And in His mighty deeds and His tenderness, He answered my prayer.

Great is our God!

I am unpacking the party box. It's time to celebrate! For in this life, though full of uncertainties and trouble, we can find great, inexpressible joy in the righteousness, salvation and mighty deeds of our God. I will lift up my hands and sing for my heart is full of praise!

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