Friday, November 18, 2011


I have been working, for some time, on a post about courage. They all started out with a few flowery sentences but trailed off into nothingness. But now, as I sit in the dark, alone on my couch at 2am and stare at circumstances that I simply cannot see relief from, I need to climb on my soapbox and tell myself a thing or two about courage. Because God IS doing something good in this and He will give me the strength and courage to endure.

Somtimes, I have to write to remind myself of what is true because my feelings and my fears are telling me something different.

I think about courage quite often. I wonder what courage looks like, tastes like, feels like. It is significant, I know this. God talks about being strong and courageous. And so it must be that if He offers the challenge, He will also give us the necessary courage to stand in its face (and maybe even push back).

Courage pushes the needle through the fabric and presses on to make something good and beautiful out of something ordinary or impossible. It is the heartbeat in a challenge. It is beauty in ashes. It is quietness and strength in the face of the unknown. It is speaking up for truth. It is being who God made you to be.

It is endurance with hope when one sits on the couch in misery at 2am.

Take heart!

"Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or tremble at them. For the Lord your God is the One who goes with you. He will not fail you or forsake you." Deutoronomy 31: 5-7

1 comment:

Princess Poopsie said...

You are one amazing sister of mine. I luff you and continue to marvel at your courage. And your hope and strength that I know you find in God alone. Luff you and will continue to be on my knees for you.