It was a sweet little town, humble folk, a dot on the map surrounded by acres of rolling Wisconsin farmland. But, everything was about to change, for the Pope and his princess Poopsie would be rolling in with their little brood. A Vatican had been purchased and they were moving in. As they drove through town, the neighbors lined the streets and cheered, their simple lives made a little more sparkly by a glimpse at royalty, almost as sparkly as the rhinestone studded tiara hanging from princess Poopsie's rear view mirror. Weaving their way through the crowds the Pope and his family arrived at their new home.
At last....
A few days later the Minnesota contingent saddled up their donkeys and headed east, stopping in a little town called Weston, Wisconsin.
At last...
The sun was warm, the people kind, the Vatican comfortable. A weekend full of boxes and paper, cow barn smell, hugs and laughs and stories and the busyness of two little girls who fell into life with each other as if they had never been separated. We made memories.
At last...we were together again.
a warm walk in Weston |
Hugs and Kisses
Dairyland bound
More hugs!
And kisses!
(after successfully making it through a fascinating
and highly perfumed trip to VanDerGest Dairy)
And they discovered a dead butterfly
So they stared it at for a bit.
"Evie," said Hannah softly,"I think that butterfly has been hurt."
Little Grown up Victoria
Snuggling my sleepy little girls
Grandpa and V
Beautiful Day...Beautiful Ladies
Andy and his mad paper flattening skills
He used these skills to flatten an entire forest load of paper.
Clearly, he is amazing.
I married well.
Washing off the cow barn smell once and for all.
And we all rejoiced!
"Mommy," Evie said,"I want to stay here forever."
More sweet hugs!
And then they fell over and Hannah
hit her mouth on Evie's hard head
and there was much sorrowing.
At last...
It was time to pack up our mules and head home.
And as she sat quietly in the back seat we visited.
And then we realized that she had been sitting quietly for far too long.
So we turned around and discovered a girl who's legs,
arms and nose were as colorful as a summer garden.
"See!" she said with great delight,"I'm decorating myself!"
Snacks, Siestas and Sillys
The three S's of traveling with a small curly topped girl
Why not drive with a diaper on your head?
We all wore diapers on our heads
and I hope we succeded in bringing a little silly
to the world around us.
At last...
we were home.