Tuesday, April 30, 2013

morning musings

It is morning and I bask in the stillness, the freshness of the warm, spring air from my open window and the songs of the birds that welcome the new day. I love morning and the promise it brings. It is a new day, full of opportunity, full of new mercies, a blank page in a notebook ready to be filled. I feel giddy at the prospects that await.

The wee one still sleeps and my love has long since taken his leave for a day of work. It is good to be alone in these morning hours, I find myself much more equipped for the day when I've had a chance to breathe and think and read God's Word and Pray first.

I take a deep breath and close my eyes, carried away by my thoughts and the cheery bird songs. I stop and write down another "to-do" on the list beside me. I could add about ten more things, but I'm trying to be realistic. No sense in feeling defeated before the day has even taken flight. Unfortunately, I'm far too good at grounding life before take-off. "Walk by faith and not by sight" is a oft repeated reminder to my heart.

Soon, I will hear the sound of padded feet and a curly topped, tired eyed girl will appear in the doorway. Though I relish these moments alone, there is always a rush of joy at that sight. Quietly, she will greet me then climb up into my lap. Like her daddy she does not rouse from sleep quickly, so our routine seldom alters. She will close her eyes and twirl my hair in her fingers. I will bury my nose in her curly mop and breathe in her sweet smell. Lately, in those moments, my mind has wandered to the thought that she is growing so quickly and I remind myself to cherish each second.

There's no sense wasting today thinking about tomorrow. I have only one today to glorify God and love my family and live with abandon (and clean and cook and fold the 4 baskets of laundry that have patiently waited as I've neglected them to dance barefoot in the spring grass).

Live well. Love well. It is good day to be alive.

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