Wednesday, May 15, 2013


"Devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with an attitude of thanksgiving." Colossians 4:2
This is my verse today. I am claiming it and running for the hills.

It is a beautiful morning here in Minnesota-land. I sit, facing the west, drinking in the golden rays that burst through my open windows. Fresh air breezes into the room with the melody of morning.
Andy turned the sprinkler on in the yard before he left for work and I love to watch the flocks of robins that find the spray an invitation to come find breakfast. They stand close to the waving metal arms to avoid the spray, patiently waiting for a poor unsuspecting earthworm to appear. I can just imagine the worm, thrilled with the moisture that enters his world, pushing upward to drink in his fill when... The end.
Ev sleeps on and I envy her peaceful rest. When I woke up this morning, the burdens of lately settled down on my chest like an elephant. I tried to drift back to sleep but the day beckoned me. These early hours are the fuel in my engine. In the stillness, God speaks. In the beauty of the newness of the day, my heart finds rest. In the absence of a silly, curly mopped fairy (who seems to be perfecting the art of disobedience as of late) I can let the minutes drift around me without care. And, I can accomplish the tasks that her presence makes impossible. This morning, I made a hair appointment and came out of the salon, err bathroom, feeling fancy. The joys of the simple life.

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