Tuesday, October 11, 2011

A day in the life of...

I love looking at the world through the eyes of my sweet, Evie. She breathes life into mine as she finds wonder in the ordinary and everyday. She jumps around and shrieks with delight at the mere thought of a trip to the farm, the park or Grandma's house.

It's amazing to me how much energy is contained inside such a little person. She can scale an armchair or climb into her crib in no time flat. She uses her bed as a trampoline until  I pick her up. She can run away and hide behind racks in a store in the blink of an eye.Try taking her to a new, un-Evie proofed house...disaster! I am quite sure that she wakes up every morning with a mission. A mission to see how quickly she can create a mess of epic porportions. Every day I'm amazed at how much stuff she can tuck into her baby stroller before she dashes around the house with it. Her little hands are lightning bolts- reaching from the cart or stroller to the merchandise on the shelf beside her. She's dangerous!

The little wheels in her mind are constantly turning. The things that come out of her mouth are, no doubt, often inspired by something she has seen or heard. I wonder what makes certain things she sees or hears so remarkable that she stores them up for those moments when she spouts them out. It's then, often caught off guard, I try to track her train of thought and work with it while my heart laughs. Often, the laughter cannot be contained and, as she hears the sound of it, she gives in to the merriment of the moment and we share it together.

She's recently discovered emotions and how to communicate them. When she is distressed, most often in a tantrum sort of distressed, she tells me that she's sad or crying. If I find her doubled over in peals of laughter she tells me "'I'm laughing, mom." Ask her to smile for a picture and she dons on a toothy, comical grin. Her eyes also tell the story of her heart. It is quite clear when she is set on disobedience, feeling sleepy or wanting something. What a picture those little eyes paint. It's interesting to watch as she discovers her own heart.

I wonder what Evie sees when she looks at me. I think it is the hope of every mother's heart to model a Christ-like life...full of compassion, grace, joy and courage. Do I inspire her to live life with abandon, relishing the joy of every moment? I think, perhaps, that she opens my heart to that. We work together. I as her comfort, teacher,cheerleader and nurturer. She as the sparkler that smothers me with kisses, surprises me with funny words and opens my eyes up to see the wonder in the world around me.

I love that she loves life. It inspires me to see the magic of the ordinary.

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