Thursday, January 5, 2012

word wrangler

The cattle were restless. Something had disrupted the herd and caused panic. Wild-eyed, they scattered in every direction. Their snorting, heaving bodies smashing into each other in their desperation to escape. It was frightening, deafening.

The cattle were not alone. A cowboy had been lazily resting in the tall grass beside the herd before the stampede began. At the first sign of danger, he jumped up and mounted his horse. He was new to the job, but at first glance, the situation seemed manageable. He would ride around them and direct the cattle back into the security of each other.

The wrangler and his trusty steed started in on the job. They darted this way and that, trying to pull the group together, to keep them from heading off into danger. It took all that he was, all that he knew.

Heavy hooves pounded the ground beneath him and matched his heart, beating wildly with fear. The situation was out of control. They were terrified and he felt utterly powerless.

He felt like giving up but knew he couldn't. The sweat poured into his eyes, his mouth was filled with dust. Leaning into his horse, he pushed him harder. Round and round they went pushing those white-eyed beasts back together.

All at once he began to see improvement as the sweaty brown hides slowed their pace. He whispered a word of thanks and continued his work. It wasn't time to quit yet but the sight of hope revived him.

Finally, things were calm. The cattle were tired. He was spent. A good rest was on the horizon. He slipped off his horse and untied his canteen from the saddlebag. Settling into a patch of soft grass, he took a long swig of cool water and poured some into his hand to share with his trusty steed. Whuffling his gratitude, his sweaty companion lowered his head and began to graze.

I love words. I love writing words.

Words are my trusty steed. In the face of life's stampedes, I feel equipped to wrangle those wild-eyed creatures as I pen each word. Words of prayer and petition to my Lord. Words of truth to calm my troubled heart. Words of joy and laughter. Words of praise. Words of encouragement to another in need. Words to tell a story of my sparkly eyed girl or to recall a tale of days gone by.

For each word, a brushstroke, as I paint the pictures of my heart.

1 comment:

Grace said...

This is REALLY good!