Monday, May 14, 2012

st paul saturday

Saturday morning. We were awakened by the singings of a cheery girl. Singings that turned to sorrowings when her beloved glow worm escaped through the wooden slats of her bed and landed just beyond reach. "Help!" she cried,"my glow worm!" And so I helped, gathering the glow worm and the girl in my arms and bringing her back with me. We snuggled. She pressed my hair into her eyes and nose, it comforts her. She smothered daddy with kisses.

There we were. Three people well rested from an especially long night of sleep facing a day with no schedule but dreams enough to fill it. And capture it we did, taking on tasks that long awaited attention mixed with a healthy dose of living in the moment, embracing life as it came our way.

A drive to the compost site to load up with fresh soil for our little garden plot. A stop at the bank. A few errands. A flea market. And a long lazy afternoon in St. Paul, our camera snapping shots of our happy little company. A dish of Grand Old Creamery delight then off to dinner with Mom and Aunt Joyce. We shared our stories then watched the sun go down from the patio of D'Amico.

We loved and laughed our day away...

"Evie do it." Yes, our little girl now dresses herself. It's always a good thing when the chosen clothing matches. It's especially sweet to listen to her narrate the process for herself. "The tag goes on the bottom," she murmurs as she sits down on the floor, settling her pants in place before she pokes her toes in.

Look! An eagle! And a funny behind the scenes story of a very contorted daddy trying to keep himself behind the eagle board while hoisting the child up into place. The things we do for a good photo. 

The universal sign for "Emergency"

Camera timers are lovely things.

The St. Paul Cathedral
I will admit it. We are scrappers. We found a treasure on a street corner with a free sign and couldn't help ourselves. We did fit this lovely waterfall style double bed into our tiny Civic. It was an involved process, but where there's a will there is most certainly a way.
Tip a cold one back while you pedal around town. What a novel idea. No, we did not ride the pedal pub. We were eating ice cream as it passed us.
And on we went...

What a gift. Our hearts as light as the breeze that whispered through the tree tops, our skin warmed in the sun's golden rays. Filled with memories of sweet moments to dream about for days to come.

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