Thursday, February 10, 2011

the regular

It's a regular day. A day filled with regular things, the regular people, regular tasks. And then, in a moment, you hear or see something that changes 'regular' into something different. Sometimes, on those regular days we are looking for something to change things up, to add a little spice or perhaps a little calm. Sometimes, regular is just what you need and you embrace it. It's safe.

Today was a regular day. I woke up beside the love of my life. I picked up my baby and she snuggled in my arms. I took a shower, ate get the idea here. Oh, but I must add that we did have a little surprise in our morning- my mom came over. Such a welcome surprise she was! Generally speaking though, things were pretty regular until...

I prayed for God to show Himself to me. My fearful, needy heart needed some encouragement, something to help me see with hope that I'm held and loved. I'm quite sure that when I prayed those words I had in mind a clear idea of what would give me that "hope". But, God's ways are higher...better. Instead of what I thought I needed, I was given a glimpse into the life of someone who was suffering greatly and suffering well. She knew hope. Hope well beyond the agony she lived. And she praised and glorified her God. And then yesterday, He gave her rest and welcomed her into His presence. I'd never met this woman but her life touched mine.

As if that was not enough, God moved again...and I received a call from a friend who had just lost the baby she had carried in her womb for the last 8 weeks. We shared tears, not because I've experienced that loss, but simply because the ache in her heart made mine hurt too. We prayed.

God hears our prayers. Oh how He longs to hear us pray big things so He can show us big things.

The day is coming to an end. It's a regular evening...only it's not.

What should I pray for tomorrow?

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