Thursday, March 17, 2011


People are very interesting. We all have ideas, ways we do things, ways we think other people should do things...there are so many versions of "normal."

God is very intrigues me to think that He makes people in His image and yet we are all so vastly different- so interesting. 

I was one of those interesting people today. You know, one of those people you see as you are sitting at a stoplight and just happen to glance at the driver of the car beside you. I love to see what people do at stoplights...pick their nose, check their hair or makeup, stare straight ahead with both hands on the wheel. I was not doing any of those things- I was talking. I was talking out loud, with determination and conviction. I was doing a battle with the enemy. In the face of doubt, fear and discouragement I was proclaiming God's truths. God you are faithful! God you are sovereign! God you will not forsake me! God I can trust you! Sometimes the truth seems far more compelling if you speak it...throw it in the face of those doubts and fears.
I didn't even look beside me to see if I had an audience...but if I did, I'm sure it looked very entertaining. 

I had an experience with an interesting person, well a few persons, today. Evie and I made a stop at the local Salvation Army to check for bargains.Not much to be had today, although we were very impressed by the new layout. They could still use some help with pricing, but let's be improvement at a time. Our trip back to our car was much more exciting. A large pickup truck had parked behind me and a lady was standing beside my car staring at my bumper. She was pointing and talking to herself. Curious, and also because she was standing beside the door I needed to open to put Evie in her carseat, I came to see what the fuss was all about. There, pressing in my rear bumper, was a large hook thing from the front of the large truck. She muttered then waved for her husband to back up the car. Devoid of any expression, he stared straight ahead for a while before putting the car in drive and moving his truck (and my car) forward. Lots of arm waving now ( I think my arms might have waved too) and his truck stopped. It seemed a while before reverse was engaged and the giant hook was removed. The animated lady muttered about things being alright before licking her thumb and rubbing it over the dents in my bumper. She did not have magic thumbs (or spit) but thankfully, the bumper lost the large dimp and showed a few scratches. As I put Evie in her car seat, a fellow parking lot-ter came over to offer her kind of her. I assured her we were fine...although I'm still not sure how true that is....

It's all those interesting things (and people) that can help make life laughable...laughter is a gift (and good medicine).

My mom has a saying on her fridge "people behave in a way that makes sense to them." How true that is...and perhaps a little convicting. God made us so different...and yet His love for us is unconditional and very much the same. It's easy to look at interesting people through my eyes and make judgements based on what I think. And that's where grace comes's a one size fits all....

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