Tuesday, February 14, 2012

falling in love

It's Valentines Day. The day of love. And I fell hard.


On the ice. In my driveway. This very morning.

My arms were full of Evie and my large purse as I sped out to the car to visit a friend when...whoops! My feet slid forward and then the rest of me fell flat as a flapjack on the cold, hard ground.  Things like that seem to happen in slow motion and fast forward all at once. I remember thinking that I needed to protect Evie and my head. And both survived. But the rest of me took one for the team and keeps reminding me of that.

Oh my stars, I hurt. Badly. And even more badly as the day tick tocks on.

And so, I try to exchange my thoughts of misery with more glorious ones.  Honeyed memories of the days when the easy, newness of rose-colored love filled the moments between work, life and sleep. Recalling them brings a smile to my face. Love is still sweet and every day I share with my man is even more wonderful than the day before, but let's be realistic. After real life and marriage and parenthood set in, love becomes sweeter as we work at it. It takes much of us to give as selflessly or forgive as easily as love requires. But it does, and the payoff is the stuff dreams are made of.

Today marks the 8th Valentines Day that we celebrate together and each one has been as unique and wonderful as life can be. But now my eyeballs are threatening to fall out of their sockets. So I will rest my poor head on a soft, white pillow and dream of the celebration yet to come (and pray that I feel well enough to enjoy the promised trip to Menards and Grand Old Creamery).

So, my love, here's to you and to me and to forever. Happy Valentines Day!

1 comment:

Princess Poopsie said...

Has it really been 8 years?!? I remember when I wanted to run into BSF to "meet" Andy (ok, only see him) and you were spazzing out! Ahhh, fun times. Luff you dear Floofie!!!!!