Saturday, February 18, 2012

let's put the "sun" in "sunglasses"

The sun beckoned. We climbed into Frosty the Sable, buckled our seatbelts and enjoyed the trip with the rosy glow magnifying it's warmth through the glass of the windows.

Target. A place to go when you need groceries or just want to see what people, other than the ones you live with, look like. A place to escape when winter's chill captures the world around you and holds you hostage within your own four walls. A place to find a cute outfit for cheap.

We spent some time there, found what we were looking for. And yes, a few good sales from which we found a new pair (well, two pairs) of darling little dress up shoes for an Evie, who grew out of her others, and also some new pink sunglasses. Evie loves sunglasses. She especially loved her Hello Kitty sunglasses, which mysteriously vanished a month ago, so we were pleased to find a pair of replacements. It was a toss up between the sparkly pink Barbie glasses and the simple pink ones. Her pick? The plain janes. I tried again for the Barbies, she pointed to the Spidermans, we settled on the regulars. A fair choice.

A few more treasures to tuck into our cart. Listening to Evie sing "Do to Mothers as you would have them do to you..." at the tippy top of her warbley little voice. A poker faced cashier. A mad dash to the car. The mad dash? When a 2 year old is set free from a shopping cart and looks at the February sunshine through new sunglasses.

Home again. And then the phone rang. I answered it, "Hello?... Yes.... Just me and Evie.... Really? ...We'll be there in a minute...Thanks... Bye."

It was the sunshine calling us to come out and play. Evie made sure that I grabbed my sunglasses too before we headed outside for a sunny day adventure...

Yay for sunshine and new sunglasses and fresh air!

And we're off...


We decided to keep walking, right into the little nature path that makes city folk feel a little countryfied. We talked about what we might see walking through the trees. She demonstrated some squirrel moves for me.

We looked up. Nothing but blue.

This face? Awestruck. Yes, the warbling bird calls and squirrel chirps were too exciting for words. We've actually worked on some bird calls. She has "chickadee-dee-dee" and "churley churley" down pat. After she listened to them sing away for a while, she sang right back.

"Mom, this is really crunchy. Is this a chip or something?" We did not sample it...

Most of Evie's treasures were small, pocket sized and then we passed this branch. It was much too exciting to pass up. So, for the next 15 minutes, she dragged it along, singing in rhythm to it's scraping sound. And then, when we were out of the woods and back into the sights of the city, but not close enough to home, she tired of her branch and got cold. Too cold to walk. Now, I carried an Evie and a small tree. Not sure that I wanted to continue this for the next two blocks, I laid it to rest beside a large tree in front of an elementary school.

It was Februarly warm, but we stayed out just long enough to stir up the chilly pre-spring breezes. Rosy cheeked, we arrived home, pleased to have answered the call of the sunshine... 

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