Wednesday, February 8, 2012

unforgettable (parts 1 & 2)

After a weekend that left my expectations out to dry, I had nothing but great hope for Monday. Monday did not let me down. For Monday was my birthday and it was simply unforgettable.

Though my childhood is now a distant memory, my birthdays still hold the same magic they always have. I love the decorations, the sweet treats, being surrounded by my family. I love being celebrated, feeling loved. It does a heart good to have a birthday.

I opened up my day and discovered a bag. A beautiful bag full of sweet treasures that I would spend the day unpacking. Each moment a celebration to cherish.


Breakfast with my family celebrated under the bright colors of birthday trimmings. A waffle, no, make that two, a rousing rendition of happy birthday and a good laugh. A sweet start to my day.

A surprise visit from my mom, a bulb garden bursting with life and a walk in the sunshine with a silly girl who insists on wearing glasses when the day is bright.

Sheri and Hannah singing me wishes. Cards in my mailbox. Rays of sun bringing the glory of the day into my living room. A fancy, cozy cup of tea and Fernando Ortega's soothing music as the soundtrack of my day.

Evie was determined to find the caterpillars in my bulb garden. After I moved the garden to a safer spot, we put a table cloth on her little table and sat down together to enjoy our lunch.

I tried to capture that moment to share, but as both the dinner guest and the photographer, my attempt left something to be desired. If you could just direct your eyes to the left of the outfit I wish I hadn't worn, you will find the sweetest girl who was so excited to share lunch at her little table with mommy.

And then we all took a glorious nap. As I advance in years, I find napping to be as necessary as a good meal. And you can quote me on that.

Darkness fell and the evening of surprises began. We dropped Evie off at my parents and walked along the river in Anoka, stopping here and there to enjoy the quiet, the moon and some history.

The moon was full and bright and beautiful. We took our time. On the dock, near the old amphitheater, we discovered a fresh bouquet of flowers that had been placed there. They were not for me but we imagined all sorts of reasons why they might be there. We meandered back to the car, and as we did, Andy got a text. I asked him about it. He told me that it was his brother, Rich, and came up with a great story about what it said. Made sense to me and I bought it.

We were in the car and driving away, off to play skeeball at the bowling alley for a little while before our late dinner reservations. He drove like a maniac, odd for him, and nearly missed the second entrance to the alley. Surprisingly, I didn't think twice about that.

We walked in. Wayne, Jane, Christina and Paige Davis were there. I waved, said "hi." And then...I saw my mom, smiling. There was Jill, holding Evie feeding her a banana. There was Dad, Jeff, Denise, Nicole, Kyle, Joyce and cake and a box of pizza. I was surprised, very surprised. I think I might remember picking my jaw up off of the floor. Then I laughed.

(Thank you, Christina, for your snapshot skills!)

Jeff and Denise Winters created the heavenly masterpieces...

Chocolate for the glutenistas and a strawberry angel food or carrot/ginger cake for the GFers

Getting my game on


Uncle Kyle & Ebbs

Pizza party!

He's a looker and a bowler.
I married well.

Mom & Dad

Concentrating (and perhaps pondering what life with twins will be like)

Denise & Nicole

This girl is a serious bowler.
Great job, Joyce!

Uncle Al

Bumpers are our friends!

And so, we bowled and laughed and celebrated the night away...and I took more pictures. But, they disappeared from this post and it's too late to call my sister for tech support. (sigh)

So, stay tuned....there's more birthday to come.


I suppose I could/should have added another post entirely, but somehow, I figured out how to add the missing pictures. Must be some of the wisdom I've gleaned in my advanced age...

Kyle & Jill

I am loved.

We bowled. We chatted with Jody & Katie who also came to bowl on .99 cent night. We ate cake. We danced to the silly, loud music. We  I took pictures, lots of them. I think I might have annoyed people, but it was my birthday after all and I wanted to capture every memory I could. I was blessed with 2 new jelly roll pans and a stainless steel cookware set (goodbye teflon!). It was all so much more than I could have imagined.

We said our goodbyes and drove home, my heart full of joy and my lap covered in boxes of leftover cake.

It was a good night, unforgettable.

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