Thursday, June 14, 2012

invisible ink

Last weekend, I turned the calendar page over and saw a week of blank days. I smiled and sighed contentedly. I jotted down a list of to-dos and dreamed up some birthday magic for the celebrations to come. Life looked simple, delightful, easy. I like that.

Last weekend, I turned the calendar page over and missed the fact that God had filled every square. But He must have used invisible ink and I did not have the decoder. (sigh)

It has been a week fuller than a suitcase packed for vacation. A roller coaster ride that dips this way and that. A boat ride on a sunny lake with big weeds hidden beneath that tangle up in the prop. A road trip with an unexpected detour.

I'm not a fan of detours. Despite how many times I try to persuade myself to enjoy the journey as much as the destination I can feel the heat of battle in my mind. The perfectionist, schedule-loving part of me grabs a sword and charges the joy-in-the-journey thoughts with a battle cry,"It's one way or no way!"

But I'm not behind the wheel of this ride. So, I buckle my seatbelt and enjoy the view. And though I still struggle, the unexpected blessings of this route are better than I could have expected...

Today is Thursday. It's Andy's birthday. And I'm kicking myself because I didn't make it everything that I think a birthday should be. But we ate lunch in the car together as a family in the driveway beside his shop and despite the drippy, gray clouds that color our landscape those little moments were the brightest part of our day,  Evie and I spent a generous part of our morning making a play-dough mess of epic proportions. Our soft faced friends "LaVonne" & "Cliff" made us smile and "Cheese Mountain" was the most colorful lump of clay you've ever seen. And while my wee one sleeps I nibble on some gingersnaps and recall all of the beauty in my days...

This is the smile of a girl who thinks she has it all together.

Birthday boy and his little beauty
(who has recently developed a love of hair clips)


Evie handed Nicole a phone. "Nicole wants to text, mom," she said.
And so they texted, until Evie snatched the phone back and Nicole burst into tears.
I asked her why she took it away.
"Because," she said with her nose crinkled,"she didn't want to text anymore."

Evie and I had a long discussion about sharing her toys with Nicole.
 Evie thought it through than came back with her own version of sharing.
 "But then I can take my toys away from Nicole and play with them if I want," she declared.

A bucket-headed girl and her (neighbor's) dog.
"Titus is my best friend," she says.



She puts the finishing touches on "Cheese Mountain"

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