Tuesday, June 5, 2012


There is nothing quite like a 2am wake up call. A carload of intoxicated individuals parked outside my open bedroom window and a husband who comes alive from a dead sleep to watch the goings on. Our little corner lot has often proved to be a front row seat to the wildest of real life happenings.

Oh the joys of city living.

We hit snooze and settled back to sleep. A few short hours later and the peaceful strains of Beethoven roused me from my slumber and the day began. A day planned out carefully. A day I had been waiting for.


I opened my eyes. Peace; a sensation so foreign I almost couldn't recognize it. The sun seemed a little brighter. I slipped out of bed and walked into the day, my feet so light as if I wore slippers made of clouds.

Hurry, hurry. An appointment to keep and a dancing little fairy to dress and feed. I took the waffles from the iron and smothered them with butter and raspberries. She decided not to like waffles and raspberries today, but Andy and I savored each sweet bite. And then we kissed him goodbye and waved him off to work. She called," I LOVE YOU DADDY!" through the ripped screen of the living room window. I spent a few minutes soaking in the words of Psalms 103. Hurry, hurry. Time ticked on.

Bags were packed and we boarded our chariot, the trusty black Civic. And we were off to Grandma & Grandpa's house, where Evie would join the washer & dryer hunting expedition as I headed off in search of answers. "I'm here," she announced, slipping off her jeweled sandals and bounding up the stairs. I stayed a minute, chatting about the day and the plans we'd made, before heading out.

No sooner had I turned the key when the day changed. A stalled car and check engine light redirected the course of my morning in 30 short seconds. Several phone calls and some hand wringing later, I found myself driving my Mom's sharp Toyota down the road. Thank you Mom! I was later than I'd hoped to be but what else could slow me down?


Construction + Thick Traffic + Me = Late. I think I might have heard the words "idiot" and "stupid" come from my mouth as I watched people who felt entitled to go through a stop signed intersection when it wasn't their turn. I also watched the time tick on as I sat trapped in a sea of brightly colored metal. I tried to think that this was God's best for me and that He was being glorified in this, but honestly, how on earth?

I made it. Nearly 10 minutes late but there I was, greeted by the smiling face of a sweet lady who uses her days to help others feel better. I shared my story and my cry for help, she offered hope and we talked food and supplements for two wonderful hours. I might have asked for two more hours, but her time does not come without cost and my piggy bank was empty. Talk is not always cheap.

A list of foods. A stack of recipes. A bag of supplements. A plan. My head was swimming in a sea of words while my heart rested peacefully on a raft. Gotta love  a good day at the beach.

A long lazy afternoon spent in good company at Woodside resort, waiting there with the broken car for Andy to come and rescue us. And he did, my knight in shining armor coming by to whisk us away to the golden castle we call home. The little house on the corner.

And as I rocked my curly topped cherub to sleep she whispered a story of her day...
"I touched all the dryers.
Grandma said I could touch the dryers.
Grandpa said I could touch the dryers.
They both said I could touch the dryers
Wasn't that sweet of them?"

And, because I couldn't resist sharing two more little Evie-isms from my day...

Driving home. I turned on the radio, it was rather loud.
E- Mommy, could you turn that radio down,
Me- (As I turned down the radio) Honey, you should say "Mommy, could you please turn the radio down?"
E- But you already did it.

Several moments later...

E-Mommy, when we get home could I wash my hands?
Me- Yes you can
E- (Crying hysterically) I don't want to wash my hands!

And so we travel on down this road called life...full of plans.

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