Wednesday, June 6, 2012

sweet cheeks

"Momma!" calls a little voice from a pile of blankets in her bed,"Come wake me up!" Little hands rub the sleep from big brown eyes. I scoop up my fairy and we snuggle as I kiss her soft cheeks and bury my nose in her golden mop.

The day begins and we dance to the tune of the sunshine and bugs and playgrounds and watermelon and changing outfits five times.

"It's getting dark," she cries when the sun moves into the western horizon," We have to get everything inside!" So we gather up our messes and put them away just in a time for a splash in the tub. And when the last of the mud goes down the drain she snuggles back up into her jammies and we read and pray together. She twirls my hair, her pacifier bobbing up and down in time with the lullabies we sing. And I kiss her sweet cheeks and bury my nose in her golden mop.

Such is life with my sweet cheeked fairy. But these days are much too short, so we capture the day making memories of the ordinary. And as we laugh and dance I sneak away to spend a few minutes behind the lens of my trusty camera. Savoring the abandon yet not quite willing to let it slip away.

If a picture is truly worth a thousand words, I will save myself the words and post the real thing...

If we could all "bee" so cute!

When in doubt, accessorize.

A little ice cream + a late night at the park= A LOT of silly

Getting things ready to do a little work on her "chevy."

Doing a little work on her "chevy"

Boxelder bug slayer and her arsenal

Sweet cheeks in the summer sun

If the shoe fits... (or the dirty socks...)

One shoe-d wonder

Our little gunner

Take time to smell the flowers...literally.
And especially as you wait for your delicious pizza to arrive at the table. (thank you Pizza Luce!)

Goldilocks and the 3 sweet girls


Arrrrg! And she's a pirate princess.

Silly 'staches with daddy!
(Just a sure to check and see if the paint is washable before you make your 'stache!
But, if you don't, just be prepared to enjoy your silly 'stache for a while.)
Hi! I'm silly. What's your name?

70 degrees and sunny does NOT get in the way of fashion.

And there you have it!

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